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Witnessing of Jesus Christ by Abner Cesaire
Who can understand the Scriptures
The Various Angels who Ministered to mankind
Abraham knew Jesus Christ
The annunciation of the conception of Jesus
The Jewish calendar months of His incarnation and biirth
The Incarnation
Basic Greek vocabulary for the Hebrew name of Jehovah
No New Creation when Jesus became flesh
Jesus is Jehovah in flesh and blood
Jehovah God is not God the Father
Worship and Praise Jesus or The Father?
Is there a day of worship or a place of worship?
Misconstruction of biblical verses
The strait path to immortality
The Old Testament: Eternal Living Reference
What was fulfilled and is no longer binding in the Old Testament
The Sabbaths of the Torah which were shadows of things to come
The Serpent, Lucifer, the Angel of light, etc
Does the New Testament Even Speak of First Day of the Week?
Jesus, Risen on Saturday, the First of the Sabbaths
Are we already saved just because we believe in Jesus?
Christians must practice Judaism as promulgated by Jesus
Teaching doctrines or teachings of men robs us of our salvation
There is no Spiritual Israel
Objective of
Day: what is our solar day according to Moses?
Marriage according to Moses
Divorce according to Jesus Christ
Porneia: fornication, sexual immorality, whoredom, etc
So much suffering, wreckage on earth: if God exists, why does He not care?
Faith in Jesus Christ will decrease not increase
Predestination explained
Rapture: a false doctrine
Bibles for Reading
Prayers and Answers to Prayers
Poverty and the Bible
Hypotheses about Lord Christ Jesus
The Martyrdom of the Righteous
The Ekklesia (Church) of Jesus Christ
The Culture of the God of Israel (Jesus)
Sickness and healing
Biblical Prophecy
2,300 Evenings and Mornings
GENESIS by Jesus Christ as empowered by the Father
Walking the road with God
Diseases and Health
Witnessing of Jesus Christ by Abner Cesaire
Rapture: a false doctrine
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